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I specialise in illustration and portraiture. I am an elected member of both the Society of Graphic Fine Arts and Oxford Art Society. My work is in several private collections and has been shown in many national exhibitions including the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and the Royal Society of British Artists.
I enjoy exploring the human narrative through portraiture; noting subtle details which define an individual character and capture a given moment.

Portraits require one or two initial sittings, so I can really get to know the sitter. I will also take several photographs and discuss which you think reflect your ideas for the portrait. The initial sitting will involve me making sketches and notes before I set to work on the composition. We will be in frequent contact throughout the process. Portraits start at £700 (as of 2024)

If you wish me to work from a favourite photograph, I see this as an illustration. Photographs must be of a high resolution for me to interpret with confidence. As with a portrait commission, I will share and discuss ideas and approach throughout the process. From £450 (as of 2024)

DO get in touch if you wish to explore the idea of a commission. You can email me directly or use the get in touch form.