I’m interested in the behaviour of starling flocks as they settle in their treetop roosts. From a distance they seem to create abstract, random forms. It is only close up you see the pattern, the purpose and togetherness of these birds. Inevitably the murmurations I draw (as in real life, I suppose) start to take on a life of their own. Thousands of individually ink drawn birds overlap one another again and again to create a depth, pattern and fluidity of aerial display. I start with a plan but soon my starlings take over, evolving in unexpected ways!
There may be a sudden change of direction by one small group as they strike out on their own determined path; another explosion of birds, as if a quarrel has been had. But, each time, they return, swooping back into the safety of their roost. A little like family, a starling murmuration is a story of protection, sharing, gossiping and the joy of homecoming.